
Services tend to begin with the Processional, a song played while the crucifer, acolytes, choir and clergy enter the sanctuary and process to the altar. During special times of the year, the processional may be replaced with certain prayers, such as the first Sunday following Ash Wednesday, when the service begins with a lengthy penitential prayer known as the Great Litany.

Episcopal services traditionally feature a reading from the Old Testament, a reading from the New Testament, a reading of a Psalm, and a Gospel lesson. At Christ Church, the Psalm is often sung by a soloist or “cantor.”

Services feature the “Offertory” ushers collect member’s weekly pledges, and any donations visitors wish to leave. It is important to note that services are free and open to the public.

We will share a moment of Peace with our neighbors, go over any important announcements that may need to be made before starting the Holy Eucharist. You do not need to be a member of the church to receive Communion (the bread and wine), as all are welcome at God’s table.

After a post-Communion hymn and blessing, the crucifer, acolytes, choir and clergy will process to the back of the church during a song known as the Recessional hymn. From the back of the church, clergy will offer a final blessing, adding a series of hearty Alleluias (the number of which is determined weekly by the children of the parish).